How to Start Doing Sports

A recurring goal for anyone can be to exercise and make it a habit to be healthier. Whether for aesthetic interests or health, physical exercise, rather than an imposition, is better viewed as a healthy habit with many benefits. However, taking the first step is usually complicated, and even more so when you want to start doing sports after a long time without having done it or, even, if you have never exercised frequently.

To help you put your doubts aside, at unCOMO we offer you several tips so you can discover how to start playing sports. So, if you want to know how to start training and make it a habit, keep reading and discover the keys to achieving it and enjoying it.

Set your realistic goal

If you want to start exercising from scratch, the first thing to keep in mind is that you have to set a goal, that is, prepare yourself if you want to exercise and what goal you want to achieve with it. Of course, you must set plausible goals so that you do not experience disappointment or a feeling of failure that makes you give up exercising.

If, for example, you set a goal of losing 10 kilos in a month, it is probably not a realistic goal. When you start exercising, you have to be realistic with your aspirations. Instead of losing a certain amount of kilos to lose, focus on the simple fact of exercising to look and feel better. In this way, the results will be easier to achieve, you will avoid imposing unnecessary pressure on yourself and you will lose any excess weight you have more healthily.

Don’t exceed your limit

To be clear about how to start exercising from 0 or if in your case you want to start playing sports with obesity or some other health problem, it is vital that you are aware of your physical condition and that you talk to your doctor about which may be the best. rhythm for you, and even consult what type of sport or exercise you need. First and foremost is your health and if you want to see optimal and lasting results, adjusting the sport to each phase of your evolution will be the best. Likewise, it is equally important to know how and when to start playing sports after giving birth and, therefore, we recommend talking to your doctor to play it safe and take care of your health.

When exercising, the idea is to work your muscles consistently and avoid becoming extremely fatigued. You must make sure to establish a functional rhythm, with a level of intensity according to your strength and endurance. When starting to exercise, how often you do it is vital. Therefore, you must exercise about 4 or 5 days a week, with 30-minute training sessions. However, this time can be divided into intervals, according to your convenience. The important thing is that you set the type and intensity of the exercise and start with something affordable for you in your current state and increase it as you need and evolve.

Start with easy exercises

Many think that the gym is the solution to start exercising. Of course, at the gym, you will have trainers and specialized machinery to help you get in shape, but if you want to take the first step, at home you can make a difference.

When you haven’t exercised for a long time, your body will not withstand too many physical demands, so you must be very careful not to injure yourself and select the exercises you do carefully. To start exercising from 0, you can focus on 3 types low-intensity rises, that is, low-intensity exercises to control your breathing and improve your physical condition:

  • Cardio: These are exercises that will help you raise your heart rate and control your breathing. Some simple examples are walking quickly, goi, ng up and down stairs, running, or cycling. If you want to know more examples, here you can see more cardio exercises to do at home.
  • Flexibility: these exercises aim to improve your mobility, activating all your muscles. Examples o,f this are stretching, jumping, and strides. HerexertsS-strengthlexibility exercises.
  • Strength: with these exercises the goal is to gain muscle strength, using body weight as an ally to improve resistance. You can start with exercises like squats, triceps dips, planks, classic crunches, and push-ups. In this post, we explain how to start doing push-ups.

Design a fun routine to start training

If you are still wondering how to start exercising to lose weight and be healthier, think that it is essential to design a functional exercise routine adapted to your physical abilities. The idea is to have fun while doing sports and not set efforts greater than our physical strength and endurance, where exercise becomes a real ordeal.

Here we leave you an example of an exercise routine to start playing sports that can be quite fun, although you can adapt it so that you can start exercising at home. If you enjoy training, it will be much easier to adopt exercise as a habit.

  1. Clear the area where you will exercise and play music to cheer yourself up.
  2. To warm up your muscles, start with a series of stretches and elongations.
  3. Continue the warm-up with classic squats, lunges, and jumps, with 3 sets of 10 repetitions each. Jump rope can be a more fun variant.
  4. Follow with 5 minutes of walking and 5 minutes of jogging for cardio.
  5. Alternate with variants such as going up and down stairs or riding a bicycle. Another fun option is to do a few minutes of dancing or zumba.
  6. Finish off your routine with push-ups or planks and bicycle crunches, with 3 sets of 15 repetitions each. Remember to do as much as you can in each of the exercises, it is not necessary to complete all the series and repetitions at once; Every day you can do a little more.

Improve your diet to start exercising

Whether you focus on how to start exercising from scratch or, for example, how to start exercising at age 50 or older, you must be clear about the vital importance of diet. If you consume excess fat and are not adequately hydrated, for example, it will be very difficult for you to exercise frequently.

Therefore, you must be clear about what foods to consume if you intend to exercise. It is not about setting a strict diet to lose weight, but about eating well to have enough energy and the right type during each workout so that physical work is beneficial for the body. We recommend you follow these tips to improve your diet :

  • Eat foods rich in vitamins, iron, and fiber for breakfast (fruits, cereals, whole wheat bread…).
  • Eat foods rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals (eggs, vegetables, lean meats, cereals…) for lunch.
  • At dinner, also, opt for foods rich in proteins and vitamins, such as meat, fish, and salads.
  • Take advantage of snacks after exercising to eat fruits, yogurts, and natural juices.
  • Hydrate well during the day. It is best to drink water, but you can also drink it with infusions, teas, and broths.
  • Avoid excess fried foods and junk food.
  • Bet on cooking more and buying less pre-cooked food.

Get into the habit of exercising

Not only do you have to adopt the habit of playing sports, but also abandon sedentary habits. If you want to start doing sports at home, in the gym, or on the street and make it a habit, we recommend these tips:

  • Set a training schedule that fits into your daily routine to combine it as best as possible.
  • Prepare a space in your house to exercise.
  • Select exercises that are easy to perform to avoid injury and frustration when starting.
  • Start little by little, with simple routines that allow you to do, on average, 30 minutes a day of physical exercise.
  • Forget about excuses and perceive your time to play sports not as a punishment, but as a reward for your body and mind.

Reward your effort

After each day of training, you can reward your effort. How to do it? Treating yourself, eating something delicious and also healthy. A fruit salad, a smoothie, a yogurt, a fiber cookie… Any of the healthy food options that you like will be good to fill your stomach and reward yourself deservedly for having met your daily exercise goal.

You can look for more ways to reward yourself, according to your tastes, and make some exceptions, but remember to ensure that they are not habits that lead you back to a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet

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