We are going to give you some keys to help you concretely achieve this aspiration: learning the piano. Adults and children alike will benefit from these few tips. It is both a relaxation and a discipline that we acquire thanks to a method.

Listening to music

Developing your musical ear is possible at any age, for all musical styles. You may already enjoy listening to piano or keyboard pieces in good conditions.

It’s about developing active  listening . It requires concentration and brings a lot of joy. Which gives you a little idea of ​​what learning the piano will be like: a requirement that is largely rewarded!

Don’t hesitate to listen to the same piece several times , to sing your favorite passages, to identify its structure. To sharpen your hearing, listen to several interpretations of the same piece, by different pianists.

You will be able to learn who your favorite musicians and conductors are  . It is good to have models of interpretation that we will modestly try to imitate.  They will at least be able to stimulate our desire to play the piano. A beginner can very well start playing a few notes by putting an intention and an accent on them.

Listening to music is important for developing a form of musical intelligence. It ultimately leads to an ability to produce a  personal interpretation of each work approached.

Regular training

It often happens that we do not allow ourselves to play an instrument that we dream of . Why? We imagine that it requires iron discipline, or on the contrary that it is an innate faculty, a gift that not everyone could have. Between these two extreme visions, the truth may lie elsewhere…

It cannot be repeated enough that talent is above all work. The only way to achieve it is to succeed in establishing personal discipline . Is it really that difficult? We are used to it in many areas of daily life. And we are very good at it to accomplish much more daunting tasks (you will certainly have a few examples that will come to mind quite quickly).
Step by step, it is quite possible to learn the piano quite easily , for children as well as adults. Private lessons allow you to follow a tailor-made method and learn to read sheet music, to play chords. It is a unique follow-up that is more difficult to implement yourself, even with lessons and music theory.

When you decide to take up the piano, which remains despite everything, it is advisable to include rehearsal times in your schedule. The ideal is to manage to integrate it into your daily schedule , even if it is only for 15 or 30 minutes.

It is an exercise that is not a waste of time, because musical play allows you to have fun … to better return to your daily tasks, with enthusiasm and joy of living.

Why should we, as far as possible, get closer to daily training ? The course in the presence of a private teacher (one hour per week in general), is a guide and a valuable support. But this is not enough because we forget from one course to another.

Some people may be able to make progress by practicing only twice a week, but this is quite rare. It is better, in absolute terms, to play for 20 minutes a day, rather than practicing for an hour the day before the class you want to take.

People who plan to play at a high level can practice one or two hours a day. For comparison, professional musicians practice an average of six hours a day.

In short, regular training allows for rapid progress. After a few weeks, you will be able to decipher your first simple themes  . You will master faster than you think:

  • Hand position and posture;
  • Note reading and fingering (finger placement on the keyboard);
  • The rhythm;
  • Liaisons and accents.

Little by little, you will have two equally skillful hands, which will move at their own pace on the keyboard, in a unique harmony. Music theory is integrated into the piano method , and is learned through the difficulties encountered in reading the scores.

Acquiring the piano

It can be an upright or digital piano, an organ or a harpsichord.

Taming a beautiful object

It is imposing, it is a real decorative element  much appreciated by all… You notice it when hands come furtively to tap a few clumsy notes, simply for the pleasure of hearing the sound that comes out.

Often, we don’t even imagine being able to play it, because it is reputed to be difficult. But that’s not the case. Anyone can sit on the seat (leather, imitation leather or velvet) to play a simple one-finger tune.

There are also digital pianos that reproduce the nuances that you give by pressing the keys more or less hard.

Buying your piano?

Whatever your level, it is possible to find a suitable piano. It is essential to try several yourself, in a store . The sounds and touch must please, each model is unique.

Should you buy it right away? It is interesting to study the question. We often imagine the acquisition of a piano as impossible… until we realize that the monthly amount is equivalent to the cost of our telephone subscription.  Of course, the ideal remains to buy it.

There are different price ranges. It is not uncommon to buy a used instrument that has been serviced . Sellers sometimes offer purchase or rental-purchase packages that are tailored to everyone’s budget.

Renting is the most accessible way, without commitment, to have a piano in your living room, office or bedroom .

Finally, it is surprising to note that enthusiasts manage to play the piano without having one. It is possible to find places to rehearse: in schools, churches (organ), cultural centers, train stations… Some do not lack imagination. Sites list various places for people traveling for business or on vacation.